For every problem, there is a solution! The Green Blue Marketplace is leading a Freshness Revolution by providing True Food Security to communities everywhere through our Community Gardens!
Life expectancy in America is 78.6 years. Healthy life expectancy is 68.5 years. The last 10 years of life are spent dealing with sickness, pain, crushing medical bills and humiliation. So many Americans are dealing with obesity, heart disease, cancer and diabetes. In fact, the CDC reports that 60% of all Americans are sick. And if you are 65 years old its 85%. America is in a Nutrient Famine, and it has made America Sick.
The current definition in the U.S. for Food Security is “access to food.” “True Food SecurityTM” as defined by The Green Blue Market Place has three components rather than one.
The lack of this process results in the Nutrient Famine.
When you know the PICK DATE of your food, you know that your food is safe, secure and full of nutrients for you and your family!